Frequently asked questions

Yes! If you have a show you know you’d like to script out, but there’s a few shots you’d love to time for yourself you can do it! All that is needed is to script a show using on the modules and pins that you plan on having scripted. Then once you are armed you can start the scripted show, change over to the manual firing page and fire the other fireworks manually. You are also able to start on manual, go to internal or SMPTE and start that show and even go back to manual firing!

With all mods check which RF they are on, if the firing modules do not match the command module (CM) you can change this manually. On the CM Press [Menu] > 2 on the numpad + ENTER. The Graphical User Interface displays which RF channel is best in your area.

To change the RF channel on all of your firing modules follow these steps:

FM [MENU] > Press [NO ⬇️] and navigate to RF Channel > with the [YES ⬆️] and [NO ⬇️] change the RF channel to match the Command Module’s RF channel and press ENTER.

Our 2Wire connection is designed to be used with any wire that you have laying around (scab wire, multiple conductor, stranded, etc), 2Wire and wireless can be used at the same time as a failsafe, but not necessary. On our modules, you will see 2Wire connectors that can be either inputs or outputs on the 2Wire network. Please reference the below graphic and our manual on the proper way to use our 2Wire connectors.

The max distance between mods while using 2Wire is up to 1,000 feet, however we recommend keeping the distance at 610 feet.

How do I use 2Wire illustration using Command and Firing Modules

To run SMPTE it’ll have to be in a WAV format. The SMPTE data format is just 2 different audio waves being played at the same time roughly, and the frequency of the sound denotes if it’s a ‘1’ or a ‘0’ when it’s interpreted by the Command Module. However, if you compress the audio file (into MP3 for instance), it’s not a pure sine wave anymore, it gets compressed – though you may not be able to hear the difference, the device reading it will notice. 

If you’re a beginner, what we suggest is to create the audio WAV file with the left and right stereo output; on the left track you put the SMPTE wave, on the right track you put your audio. Plug the right track into your audio system, the left track gets plugged into the Command Module, so that while the audio is playing for the audience, the SMPTE time code of that exact moment is being played on the Command Module. You will probably need audio software to mix together your audio tracks and then add the SMPTE to the one side.

As for firing, once the Command Module receives the SMPTE (make sure you’re on the SMPTE Firing page), you’ll see the clock automatically start counting as it reads the data in. You should always give yourself at least 10-second pre-roll/lead time without music, because the Command Module will be sending the time code out to ALL Firing Modules as soon as it appears, so it’s always best to allow a few seconds to lock in and update all Firing Modules. Once the time code is rolling you’ll still have to hit the FIRE button on the Command Module to begin the sequence (it will NOT automatically start firing after it finds SMPTE, you still need to initiate it by pressing the FIRE button).

To check that your SMPTE is working as intended, follow these steps:

  • Start your SMPTE playback while on the SMPTE test screen (MENU > 5 > ENTER on the Command Module)
  • Ensure the timecode starts moving
  • After about 10 seconds, pause (not stop) your audio playback
  • SMPTE time on the Command Module should continue marching on (once we’ve synced to the SMPTE timecode, we can keep accurate time without the SMPTE signal – so if the SMPTE cable gets yanked out in the middle of your show, the show keeps on running.)
  • Wait approximately 20 seconds
  • Unpause your audio player
  • The Command Module should jump “backwards” in time once the SMPTE comes in to match your player

We also recommend using a multichannel playback device similar to the Roland R-44. 

If you’re still having issues, reach out to us, but ALWAYS plan months ahead of schedule. If you wait until the day of your show, we won’t have sufficient time to find a solution.

When using SMPTE timecode in a Firelinx show, if experiencing issues, the first thing to do is to double check the frame rate of the SMPTE output and make sure that Firelinx is configured for that frame rate.  Firelinx supports 24, 25, 29.97, and 30fps SMPTE rates.

You can easily check and modify Firelinx’s SMPTE frame rate in the SMPTE menu from the settings menu.

From there you can select the frame rate that properly matches your SMPTE output. If you are unsure what your SMPTE frame rate is, run SMPTE while in the menu and watch the time tick in the menu and see if there are any skips in time. If the time skips the frame rate is likely inaccurate and should be adjusted.

If your Firing Modules are turning on unexpectedly, they are probably overheating. Like any electronic device, if you leave it sitting in the sun for a long time, it’ll start to malfunction or basically shut down on you until it’s cooled down.

Don’t panic, and don’t leave them sitting in the blistering sun all day while you wire your pyro. Give them some shade, cover them with an empty paint bucket, that’ll provide enough shade to help keep them cool. Then, when it’s show time, sit the Firing Modules on top of them to elevate them from the ground. This is something we always recommend to help with the radio frequency as ground will eat up some of the frequency, so always try to keep them a few inches off of the ground.

We recommend 300-500 feet from mod to mod and elevating them off of the ground, this will dramatically help the radio quality. You can increase the distance by keeping an eye on the link quality between mods.

An additional feature on the Firing mods (FM) is Repeater Mode providing maximum wireless signal strength and more robust timing of the firing signals when you need to go even farther wirelessly. While some systems claim 1.5km ranges, that is in best case scenarios; pyro is seldom fired in best case scenarios.

If the link quality (LQ) on the mods falls to about 40%, then you will need to add a repeater mod. But you’ll want to use as few as possible as each one you add increases the bandwidth usage.

We always recommend using the Wireless Wizard (WW) function to automatically determine what radio frequency will work best in your area.

Turn on mods and press the [No ⬇️ ] – you’ll then see which SW version your mods are.

If updating both Command and Firing Modules, please make sure to update your Firing Modules before running the Command Module update.

Software is updated whenever enough small improvements have been accumulated for release, or a major improvement/fix has been added. There is no set schedule for when or how often an update occurs. If you purchased Firelinx through its website or directly from a sales agent, you will be notified via email when a new software update is available. Additionally, if an update is available, it will be listed on the website under the SUPPORT page with notes regarding what improvements have been made.

To update the Firing Modules (FM), place the update file on a USB stick and insert it into the Command Module (CM). Turn on the CM and all FMs. Make sure all FMs have joined successfully. FMs should have a full battery prior to performing an update, or be plugged in to their charger. On the CM [MENU] > Press [7 Update] on the numpad and press ENTER. The CM will search the USB drive for the update. It will then prompt and inform the user of which update, if any, will be applied, with a Yes/No question. Pressing [YES] will begin the update procedure. During the procedure, do NOT turn off the CM or the FMs during the process. When completed, the FMs will turn off automatically, and the CM will return to the Menu. The procedure can take anywhere from 5-10 minutes depending on the number of FMs connected.

The CM update is performed the same way and it should be completed in under a minute. The CM should always be updated AFTER you have updated the FMs and OPNs.

Updating OPN cards is the same procedure as the FMs, though it can take between 10-20 minutes to complete. If, after an OPN update has occurred, the unit still shows 100% completed without continuing, wait approximately 30 seconds before shutting off the unit (after it reaches 100%).

It is recommended to reboot the CM (power off then power on) between each update to ensure the information it has regarding the FMs is accurate at the time the update is initiated.

If you need to do multiple updates, the proper order is OPN, then FM, then CM. Be aware, if there is an OPN update for an FM, and the CM has the same OPN that needs the update, the FMs will be done first. You’ll need to do the update procedure again to update the CM’s OPN card.

Professional e-matches requires a user to have a license to purchase them. MJG initiators, unlike professional e-matches, are the only ATF non-regulated initiators on the market. For more information visit MJG Technologies



With a wireless operating range of up to 650 feet (200 meters) from command mod to firing mod, or 6500 feet (2000 meters) on 2Wire, distance isn’t an issue.

We STRONGLY recommend only connecting one e-match per pin. You can connect up to three in series, but you run the risk of not firing all. If the first e-match fires first there’s no current running through the rest of the e-matches. Every 175 feet you can drop one e-match, the furthest distance is then dropping 2 e-matches worth of wire leaving one match to fire, equalling 350 feet. We highly recommend not pinning e-matches in series.

We’ve tested about 1000 feet between modules. When wiring e-matches, one end goes into the firing pin and then goes to one wire on the next e-match. The second wire on the second e-match then goes to the only remaining firing pin on the mod or to the next e-match.

Ematch Hooked In series - 6 places

Ematched Hooked in Parallel- 2 places

In the current iteration (SW version 1.3), it is possible to fire multiple cues simultaneously, but it requires you to create a choreography file in order to do that. For instance, you could choreograph script 1 to fire channels 1 and 2 on several modules, then script 2 fires a single shot, script 3 does another barrage, etc. This requires some planning ahead of time and scripting, but the script format is fairly straightforward and easy to manage. You can find more information on how to create and fire multiple scripts by reading through our Create a Choreography document.

In the next update to the software we’re preparing for release, it will be possible to assign multiple modules to a firing ‘group’ that will allow you to fire, for instance, channel 1 on all modules assigned to that group at once. However, until we release the update, you would need to choreograph the shots to fire at the same time. You simply write script ‘1’ to fire channel 1 on both modules at time 0. Then script ‘2’ to fire channel 2 on both modules at time 0. Here you can download the .CSV file created by our Senior Embedded Systems Engineer. It uses modules 001 and 002 and fires both channels simultaneously between the modules – just make sure you are on the INTERNAL firing page. When you press the fire button, channel 1 on both will fire and the system will stop shooting. Pressing the fire button again will fire channel 2, and stop, etc. Like always, ALWAYS test your shows with sufficient time, and if you have questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to our team. 

If one of your Firing Modules has wired initiators/ignitors and is reading all Xs when running Continuity, your show will still fire, don’t panic. If your show is already wired into the module, just visually verify that the connections look good.

After the show when you have time, turn the module on and put it into CONTINUITY mode from the Command Module with nothing wired into the Firing Module channels. Insert a piece of scab-wire, as if it was a match, into Channel 1. Read the continuity on the CM – does Channel 1 and only Channel 1 show a connection? Good! Move onto Channel 2 and repeat. What you are looking for is a single channel that turns on Continuity to ALL channels. If you find one, mark it so that you’ll remember. This channel has faulted a part of its safety continuity state. The channel will still fire if used, but continuity will not work accurately when it is wired. If you wish to continue firing this channel, you can just make sure to unwire it prior to running Continuity for your show – that way you can verify all the other matches and then plug this last one in.

Also, send us an email, we like to document any issue our customers may run into and find a solution if needed.

Up to 999 firing modules to one command module.

After firing your show, you should disarm the system by turning and pulling the key from the Firelinx Command Module. Once that step has taken place, and the modules turn green in the field, you are safe to approach the firing modules with caution. While the firing system will not fire any more, there is always the possibility of delayed explosions or duds on any firework. While Firelinx can provide the best safety in a firing system, this is no replacement for having knowledgeable pyrotechnicians and safety procedures in place to clear a field after a show.

The reason that continuity testing is so safe on Firelinx is because the Continuity circuits and the Firing circuits are more or less completely disconnected.

 Firing Circuit

The firing circuit’s intended use is to blow up something. Naturally, we want it to only do what it does only when we tell it to. For this reason we have 2 switches on both sides of each firing pin. These circuits only allow energy to pass through when they are told to, when you press the Fire button. We also have those switches connected to our supercapacitor banks, these are huge energy storage devices that can actually fire the matches.

Continuity Circuit

This is a completely different set of switches that are connected to a completely different circuit than the supercapacitors. These are limited to only 1/10 of the minimum amount of energy that it takes to fire any matches. When these fail, the units can detect that more than the allowed amount of energy is being passed through, and the switches shut off and the unit turns yellow which shows failure.

Differences from others

The main difference between our system’s continuity test versus others is that other units have their circuit more or less all as one circuit that has less failsafes in it. If there’s something that goes wrong, the entire battery can dump into their circuit even if it’s just doing continuity because their power source is the battery and their circuits aren’t designed with all the failsafes in mind. Additionally, other systems generally have what is known as a single point-failure, meaning that if any one part of the system fails, the units could fire. Firelinx has no single-point failures within the firing system, meaning that if one part fails, the system will still not fire accidentally. Our system is designed explicitly to avoid these pitfalls by not allowing them to ever cross connect, and if there is any cross connection we have monitors in place to shutdown the unit’s ability to output any power at all.

Firelinx offers wireless and 2Wire connection from mod to mod. The mesh wireless system utilizes an encrypted 2.4 GHz wireless signal to communicate in conjunction with our proprietary algorithms. Firelinx can also be expanded to include Ethernet and other communication connections when needed.

The Command Module comes with rechargeable LiPo batteries which run up to 30 hours.

The Firing Module comes with rechargeable LiPo batteries which run up to 65 hours, with the ability of adding a second battery for twice the run time.

Firelinx is designed to work with all types of fireworks, from Class-B professional grade fireworks to Class-C consumer grade (assuming the user knows how to wire an e-match to Visco). Whether it’s a 12” shell, cremora, or a cake, Firelinx can shoot it.

Green – Safe mode – not armed

Red – Armed mode – ready to fire

Blue – Continuity test – no shots are detected

Magenta – Continuity test – one or more shots are detected

Yellow – Continuity test – no current flowing through firing pins

If yellow  occurs, please contact Firelinx at [email protected]

Yellow/Red flashing – System is either arming, or disarming.

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